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Navigating is done with the links at the top of the file listing. The Home link will always take you to the main root position you started at. If you are in a subdirectory an Up link will appear. This will take you one level up in the directory structure. Reload will reload the current page. This is more useful than the reload button of the browser if you have just performed an action (eg. renamed a file). Help will take you to this page.

Uploading Files and Creating Directories

To upload a file you simply click on the button next to the "upload" button (in some browsers it's called "Choose", yours might be "Browse", "..." or something else). This allows you to choose a file from your harddrive you want to upload. When you have selected a file, the path should be inserted into the text field. Click "Upload" and wait. If the file you are uploading is large it can take a while. You will get a green confirmation if the file was uploaded or a red error message if the file was not uploaded correctly. The file be uploaded to the directory you are currently in.

To create a directory simply type the name you want in the text field and click "Create" or "Mkdir". The directory will be created as a subdirectory to the directory you are currently in. You will get a green confirmation if the directory was created or a red error message if it was not.

Renaming, Moving and Deleting Files

To rename a file or directory click the "rename" link next to the name of the file or directory you wish to rename. The name will change to a text field and an "ok" button. Type the new name in the field and click the "ok" button. Even if you click multiple rename links and change multiple names only the name next to the "ok" button will be renamed.

It is also possible to move a file with the rename field. To move a file or directory to a subdirectory in the current directory simply write the path in the text field. For example: If you want to move the file.txt to the subdirectory subdirectory simply write "subdirectory/file.txt" in the text field. If you want to move a file or directory up in the directory structure use "../". For example: If you have file.txt in a subdirectory and you wish to move it to the home directory simply write "../file.txt" in the text field. Use multiple (eg. "../../") if you want to move the file up more than one step.

To delete a file or directory simply click the "delete" link. Warning: the file will be deleted without confirmation!

You will get a green confirmation if the file was moved/renamed/deleted or a red error message if it wasn't.

The Show Source function

When possible, you can view the source of HTML/CSS/PHP documents. By default it is enabled for HTML and CSS and thus you can avoid having to finding the "View Source" functionality in your browser. If the view source for PHP files has been enabled, you will get colour coded source code to help you. The view source link will show up as a link titled [src] after the file name and size.

Editing Files

If it's enabled, you can edit HTML/CSS/PHP documents. It is enabled by default only for text, HTML and CSS. If you can edit a file there will be an [edit] after the file name. Clicking this will take you to the edit screen. After you are done click "Save file", or click "Cancel" if you change your mind. Checking the "Convert spaces to tabs" box will convert every four spaces to a tab when the file is saved.

You will get a green confirmation if the file was saved successfully or a red error message if it wasn't.